Why have I put DigiChain on itch.io?

So, why is DigiChain now on itch.io?

I'd like the tool to be around for a while, currently, users can access via a sub-domain on my personal domain (https://digichain.brianbar.net/) with the app hosted by Cloudflare and the source available on a GitHub repo, and that's fine.

But, if something were to happen to me personally (or the domain got hijacked etc), the non-technical user that doesn't know how to clone a git repository and self-host would lose access. 

So, I figured I'll tweak the codebase to work well within the confines of the itch.io hosting, transfer all the dev-logs over from GitHub and host it here too. 

I have no plans to stop hosting it where it's always been, this will just be a second home - and who knows, maybe some nice people will donate here on itch to help keep the app updated :).

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